The Family Reunion Recap

Well, it's only a month late.  Which is pretty much on time by my standards lately!  But I definitely learned some things about my family and myself at this year's reunion:
  • When there is someone missing at any/all times during the reunion - Gene, Jacob, Mary, Dad, Steven, Michael - it doesn't feel quite right or as fun as it could be.
  • I like sleeping.  I like sleeping without doors slamming in the middle of the night.
  • Sage likes chipmunks and will obsess about chasing them for hours on end, even if she is leashed and unable to budge an inch.
  • Noah is going to be a lifelong fan of Rice Krispie treats - if you don't believe me, just look at the pictures of his first time with one.
  • I should have timed how long it took before a pinochle game started, because it seems to happen quicker and quicker.  Pinochle should be renamed the "official game of the Spencer family". 
  • We've got to remember that we have an effective weapon with Rebekah, Emma, and Olivia's screams for pesky neighbors or what have you....  Just start a game of tag between the kids (add in an uncle or two for extra potency) and everything else takes care of itself!
  • Bringing a disposable camera for each of the kids was one of Dad & Mom's best ideas EVER!  I can't wait to see the results.
  • Mary, Rebekah, Olivia, Emma, and Rachael spent an afternoon making bead necklaces and bracelets for everyone.  My 'A' necklace came to me courtesy of Olivia and I love it!
  • Putting up tents will never be listed among my many talents or skills.  I'm okay with that.
  • Defense was never an issue for our campsite with all of the foam swords and sword practice going on. 
  • Camping + reunion = high likelihood of braids in Amy's hair
  • Escaping the reunion without one mosquito bite is one of my major accomplishments this year!  Granted, I pretty much dosed myself in bug repellant, so...
  • Elias, Ben, and Isaac spent many happy hours trying to figure out how to get into the shed across from our campsite because there were "Indians trapped inside", according to Elias.  He actually tried to get me to unlock the shed, thinking I had a key.  There is a reason we call them the "Triple Threat"...
  • We need to have a sign made up that says something like: "Warning: Spencer Family in the Vicinity.  Drive at your own risk."  But then the idiots who ignore speed limits through campgrounds with children playing wouldn't get it anyway.
  • I love watching my nieces and nephews play with one another, regardless of the age or activity.  It's probably why most of my photos are of them playing together this year!
  • I miss having a campfire in the mornings and evenings with all of the fire restrictions. 
  • Mom should have been a lifeguard with the way she watched over her grandkids - wait, she was for most of our childhood years while we played at Sanders Beach each summer (where there were no lifeguards).  My apologies, Mom.  In my eyes you have earned your lifeguard status and then some!
  • Even if I am bone weary tired by the end, no vacation will ever measure up to the level of fun I have when we are all together!

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Rachael said...

LOVE this post. LOVED the family reunion! LOVE my fam:)

Mara Lee said...

What a fun review you always give us of our family events-thank you so much!! And I love being the resident lifeguard-those children are treasures and need watching (constantly)

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