The Number Nine

NOTE: this was written in October 2010, but left in my drafts folder until June 2022.  Yikes.


No, I haven't lost my mind and watched the animated apocalyptic movie with puppets that came out this summer (it could be a great movie, but the preview alone gave me the creeps). I am referring to the ninth child in our family, who celebrated his 16 (what?*(!(@%#*) birthday in September. 

May I just insert a little freak-out here:  holy crap, I am getting OLD!!!! 

Back to Nate the Great: the youngest Spencer has reached driving age.  I would like to say that Mom has mellowed with age in regards to teenagers learning how to drive, but I am afraid that would be untrue - right, Mom?  It's like a rite of passage you have to go through in order to be a full-fledged driver, which is driving with Mom hanging on white-knuckled and talking through clenched teeth.  If anything, the root of this anxiety can probably be traced back to me and Mom riding around with me trying to drive a stick shift.  Whoops.  A big apology to all of my brothers and sisters.  Although, hang on -  I am rescinding that apology for most of the older ones for all of the crap they gave me while I was driving them back and forth from church and Mutual Activities.  Now we're even!

Nathan and I have had a great time hanging out this past couple of years since David and I moved back to Spokane.  I love being able to go to his football and basketball games, and track meets to root him on.  I have been trying to work on my camera skills so that I can get better at taking motion pictures of him in action and have been getting better at it this year.  In his football game last week, he was playing quarterback and moved the ball downfield enough to run it in for a touchdown on a quarterback sneak.  Awesome!  My only regret is that I didn't have enough battery in the camera, so I wasn't videotaping it!

It has been fun to discover common interests between the two of us - we share a great love of Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and the Inheritance Trilogy.  Nate and I love to get in good discussions about the Potter movies versus the books.  I am trying to get him to read The Hobbit.


And here we fast forward to 2022.  I really love these memories, so I'm going to post it anyways.  And just for comparison's sake:  Nathan is now married to lovely Lauren, pursuing his education as a physical therapist, and has three little girls (Charlie, Brooke, and Blake).  He is still one of the best people I know and I look up to him so much.  That might sound weird to some, since we're around 22 years apart, but he really is such an awesome all-around person and he's still Nate the Great in all ways.  I've always loved to talk about the gospel with Nate - he loves the Lord and it's very evident in the way he treats all of his girls, his family, and those around him.  He is also the one of the most fun people I know and I will never tire of playing games with him.  (The not-a-word "Retva" from a memorable Boggle game will always be a favorite memory with him. LOL)

Nathan & Mom (at Mary & Kraig's reception - August 2020)

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