A One-of-A-Kind Princess

It's been awhile since my last birthday post - April always offers a reprieve from the many March celebrations in our family - so much so that I am behind on posting May's birthdays.  Sorry to my lovely Olivia and Lydia, the May birthday girls! 

Birthday girls celebrate together (2010)

Once upon a time, Rachael gave baby Olivia the nickname "Princess".  It was a lovely and very appropriate nickname for this young child, who would grow up to always love anything to do with princesses (particularly any Disney princess), the color pink, and dressing up.  

The makeup obsession started at an early age with this one... (2004)

Olivia is a one-of-a-kind princess who loves sports and playing games, too.   She loves to play with her two brothers.    Her laugh is loud, infectious, and one of her aunt's favorite things about her.  Olivia's Grandpa calls her a "linebacker between the ears" because she jumps right in to anything and loves to be involved!

Dancing with the sunglasses on inside - Olivia & Michael are sooo cool! (2006)

Princess Olivia can always be found near her cousin Rebekah whenever the family gets together - or vice versa.  They are the best of friends and so cute together.  On the way to and from Rebekah's baptism, they belted out Disney songs in the back seat of my car.  I had to sing along, who could resist?

Best buddies Olivia & Bekah (2008)

Olivia loves to create and be creative.  When we were at Mobius last summer Emma, Olivia, and Rebekah spent much of their time in the artist's studio doing any activity they could get their hands on, but Olivia was the last to move on to other activities because she was enjoying it so much.  At last Thanksgiving, she made everyone in the family their own drawing, which was very special.

In the Mobius Artist's Studio (2008)

Princess Olivia is such a good girl (you knew it was coming, since I say it about all of them).  I am so proud of her one-of-a-kindness and the person she is - she's Olivia and I wouldn't want it any other way. And we all lived happily ever after, playing Princess Monopoly and singing Disney songs!

The End

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Jenny said...

Super Sweet! You have an adorable Princess there! (And she has a wonderful Aunt)

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