Art & Projects Portfolio

My portfolio from school and work can be broken down into several different areas:
  • Art & Digital Photography
  • Drafting/CAD
  • Design Projects
Art Portfolio
The Art Projects shown below are from my Drawing I class and 2-D Art class at SUU.  I enjoyed them both very much and I would have liked to make Art my minor if it had not required another semester of school out of me.
My minor is in CAD/CAM Technology.  Through school and work, I have experience with AutoCAD, 20/20, Softplan, Chief Architect, Catia, DataCad, and several other softwares.  I also can draft by hand and (gasp!) actually enjoy it when I am not pressed for time.  There is something very relaxing and invigorating about the craftsmanship needed to exact a good drafted drawing.

Digital Photography Class Portfolio

These are specific projects from my Digital Photography class at SUU, which I really enjoyed.  It introduced me to Photoshop (I am still barely scratching the surface) and its many wonders!

 Self portrait: "Amy Milne: Shy Violet"

 Diptych 1: Textures

 Diptych 2: Textures

 Composite 1

 Composite 2

Composite 3

 Landscape 1

 Landscape 2

 Landscape 3                                                                        

Reappropriation - the original painting           

Reappropriation - my attempt at recreating the original, paying particular attention to the lighting


Design Portfolio

The projects below are currently in my portfolio. I have quite a few more from my years at Ricks that the boards need to be redone on.  Some due to damage, most to just needing an update in terms of look.  I realize that's really dating myself, but it's true and thankfully some of the "in" colors during the early 90s are now out!

Living Room Project (SUU)

Bathroom Remodel Project (Ricks, redone at SUU)
Kitchen Remodel Project (Ricks, redone at SUU)
Pics coming soon!
Drafting/CAD Portfolio
This is the hardest one to show because I don't have the ability to link files to this blog and scanning copies is time consuming.  I do have pictures of several presentation boards of my drafting work below as a sample.

Design Projects
Kyotk Home - Cedar City, Utah
Pics coming soon!

I am also working on trying to be able to show some renderings of kitchens that I have designed here.  Stay posted to see that if that dream comes to fruition!

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