Why I'm starting up again...

The me of today

Why start blogging again after twelve years away?  Is it worth my time?  Is it worth the physical effort to sit at the computer outside of work?  These are all valid questions and I've asked myself many times this week what my motivation is for doing it. It's probably social media being what it is these days, to be honest.  It's not a place I feel wholly comfortable in these days - too much anger, unhappiness, and a sincere lack of looking for the good in life and others.  That's not a place where I want to live.  So I check in every so often on Facebook to see how friends and family are doing.  I've also curated my Facebook and Instagram feeds to show uplifting, positive things that fill me with good thoughts.  I've discovered that my emotional capabilities have decreased as the chronic diseases I'm dealing with have multiplied, so I have to save up in my emotional bank and work to help it grow with good, peaceful things.  

I also like the creativity and another way to express myself.  I don't expect many to follow, or even read, and that's okay.  Selfishly, I love reading my old posts.  It helps me remember the good things about the people I love, places I've been, and the lessons I've learned.  I still enjoy keeping a personal journal on DayOne (an iPad app) and will continue to do so.


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