Mini-Me turns one year old!

So Noah is turning one year old today, true evidence of how quickly the past year has flown by!  Nadine would probably agree to a point, since she has spent much of it sleep-deprived while battling with his reflux and milk-allergy issues (bless her heart). 

A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E. (May 2010)

He has changed so much physically since feeling better - he's gone from being all arms and legs to now having some chub and muscle on on them.  "NoNo" has to have a way to keep up with Elias somehow!  Noah's true personality has also come to the forefront with the reduction of health issues - he is Mr. Smiley and loves to squeal and laugh. 

Baby Noah with Grandma Lois at his shower (September 2009)

Being the youngest in his family and the grand kids offers plenty of opportunities for observation, which Noah will do with squinted eyes and and furrowed brow.  I haven't seen him do the open mouth/tongue out look for awhile, sadly.  That one was classic Noah! 

Noah, Elias, & Landon playing on the slides at Manito Park (April 2010)

Noah has just started to walk within the past few weeks.  Currently his preferred mode of getting around is crawling because his lightning fast speed allows him to strike very quickly and efficiently when his big brother is playing with something interesting.  Which happens a lot.

Best buds already & ready to join the Triple Threat! (February 2010)

The two nicknames that have stuck with Noah in this first year are Mini-Me and NoNo.  Mini-Me because he is almost a miniature version of Michael, except for those beautiful blue eyes of his mom's.  NoNo because Nadine was trying to find a nickname that went with his name; at first she tried "Noey" but then realized that Mom has called me Noey for many years and didn't want to have a duplicate.  (I was never bothered at the thought of sharing a nickname...)

Hanging out at Uncle Nate's track meet (May 2010)

Happy birthday, Noah Donald!

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Jenny said...

What a cutey! Love these photos!

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