The Birthday Bunny Hop

POSTED: June 20, 2022, a mere 12 years after actually writing this.  Now THAT'S a belated birthday wish!

Now that the self-recrimination is done and over with for the lateness of my post, let's talk about Leslie Love.

Leslie joined me at Ricks during my last year there, which I had really looked forward to and ended up being a huge blessing due to some of the things I was going through that year with my courseload and roommates.  Here's a piece of trivia:  she lived in Dorm 3 also, on the same floor as I did during my two years there.  Dorm 3 rocks!  (I can't remember if Rachael lived in Dorm 3 or not.  I'll have to ask her sometime.)  It was awesome to go to plays, concerts, and dances with her.  She's someone I can be myself with, and that year there weren't many people that I felt I could be that way with. 

Dad and Mom had moved the family down to Colfax while we were at school, so when Christmas rolled around we hitched a ride home with a couple of siblings from Tekoa.  They were bringing some additional things home in a small hatchback type car, so there was not a lot of room.  Leslie and I were crammed in the back seat together for a 10-12 hour ride, but funnily enough I don't remember minding all that much.  It was nice to be able to snuggle next to your sister (she's not called a snuggle "bunny" for nothing) and sleep or talk.  I have really fond memories of that ride out of all the long rides to and from Rexburg over the years.

One of the funnest things about Leslie is her sense of humor.  She is one of the smartest, wittiest people I know.  Yet most people miss this about her because she is not one to be the center of attention.  Plus, get her tired and start her laughing and then the fun really starts.  I mean it!  I really enjoy playing games with her, too.  Leslie is competitive but also has a great sense of give and take.  She isn't vindictive or pouty when she doesn't win, but a good sport with good humor. 

I love my sister's strong, quiet, firm convictions about who she is and what she stands for.  It is evident in the choices she makes and the way she lives her life.  Leslie is one of the most dependable people in this world - if she says she will do it, or be there at a certain time, it will happen.  I love that about her.  And she is always willing to help or be involved in any way, even with so many things on her plate with five children and a husband to support.  She's amazing... she's our Leslie Love.

Leslie, Mary, & Steven (August 2020)

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