
There's someone silly in the treehouse... (March 2010)

The inside joke behind Isaac's initials never fails to make me smile.  Isaac Bruce Duncan or I.B.Duncan.  Because I don't think Waylon and Rachael had any idea of how absolutely true this phrase would turn out to be for Isaac's personality at the time of his birth, they were just having fun with his name.  It didn't take long - although I can't remember how many months it was exactly - for Rachael to start laughingly describing her youngest son as "crazy". 

Whatcha lookin' at. (Oct 2008)

Isaac does "crazy" in such a fun way, too.  He has a gut-wrenching deep belly laugh with huge blue eyes.  Sometimes he will get this fun little twinkle in them and that's a warning that something unexpected is coming: like an eruption of sound or flurry of movement or something else unexpected!  Because of his similarities physically and unpredicability in any given situation, Isaac has earned the nickname "Dennis" within the family, after the cartoon character Dennis the Menace.   I love his funny, always ready to go play and be involved, easy-going temperament.  He has a fun sense of humor, too, and is never takes anything too seriously unless he's tired (and who is fun at that point anyway).

Playing at the park (March 2010)

The love of games and sports didn't pass Isaac by - he has it just like his siblings and his parents.  He's already so tall for his age, I cannot wait to see him continue to grow up and what he excels at.  Waylon and Rachael are so good at giving their children lots of opportunities to try out different activities and sports, and with Waylon coaching school sports Isaac gets plenty of exposure that way, too.   

Ben & Isaac having way too much fun with chalk (March 2010)

As part of the Triple Threat (which I think needs to be renamed because Landon and Noah are not that far behind, but the adjectives starting with Q are far and few in between, so right now it's a moot point), Isaac is always full of surprises and funny times.  Mainly because they are all lightning-quick little boys with active brains who can always find something to do together, allowed or not.  I love watching those three together, though, it's never dull!

Look at me, sitting in the tree... (March 2010)

So maybe he's a little too short to be able to dunk right now - although he is very tall for his 4 years - but I know as soon as he's able, Isaac will definitely be "dunking" and I will be watching!

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