Rockin' Rachael

Funny story: the title of this post made me want to start singing 'Rockin' Robin' while I was posting.  Blame it on my YW leaders, who had us learn the song for a skit at Girls Camp one year.  How appropriate that Rachael is YW President in her ward and was just at Girls Camp last week!  (Cue music from the Twilight Zone or something equally creepy, 'cause I know I'm weirded out now...)

So very cute, this sister! (March 2009)

Rachael has always had a knack for coming up with cool phrases that she uses to express herself.  When she was in college at BYU-Idaho, one of my favorites was "For the love!" when she was exasperated or impatient.  Currently, she uses "You rock!" a lot and I love this about her because she means it when she says it.  In this day and age where sarcasm and satire abound, it is refreshing to hear Rachael tell someone meaningfully and in a fun way that they are doing a great job or are wonderful in her own original way.  I love that about her!  Rachael, you rock!

Playing at the park with Olivia in Las Vegas (April 2005)

One of my favorite things about living in Salt Lake was my visits from Rachael when she was at college.  She always brought an of vitality with her and lots of laughter - as she always does anytime she steps in the room.  Rachie was not born to sit home (although she does like her sleep), she likes to be out doing things and meeting people.  I am consistently blown away by her talents in organization and multitasking.  I really think she could have her own HGTV show on helping people declutter and organize their lives and homes;  she would be so different in many of the tv hosts out there because of her genuine compassion and desire to help people.

Olivia, Rachael, & Michael get excited for some ice cream (June 2009)

When we moved to Cedar City, it was so nice to have Rachael and her family a few short hours away in Las Vegas.  It didn't really matter if we were playing games, watching movies, or walking up and down the Strip seeing the sights - it was just so much fun to be together, enjoying each other's company.  Although I think all of us (Milnes and Duncans) are in agreement that none of us ever want to live in Las Vegas, either as a first for us or again for them!  Too many crazy drivers and way too much heat!  But it was sure nice to have each other to hang out with while we both were down there.

Beautiful sisters Mandy, Rachael, & Nadine (March 2010)

There are so many things that I admire about this incredible woman that I am lucky to call my sister.  I think she is an awesome mother, giving guidance and setting rules with so much love.  Her life is focused around living the gospel each day and it shows in how she treats everyone around her, how she approaches the struggles that life hands her, and in the priorities that she sets each day.  I adore my Rachael Lee Lou Lynn  - she rocks!

Rachael & Lydia sharing a little love (November 2008)

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Jenny said...

You and Rachael could be twins! Sweet tribute to your sister! Lucky to have such great ones!

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