David's Track Days

There is a strong love of motorcycles in our home.  I would venture to say that it started out as primarily one-sided, but I have really grown to enjoy watching racing and being the "Milne Pit Crew" on track days.  I definitely don't understand all the mechanics and such behind it - and can barely remember which manufacturer and model David is usually riding at the time - so this is a good place to document and remember all the fun with motorcycles we have had over the years!

His first street bike, a Honda CBR1000.  Only taken to the track once and then never again due to fears of crashing and expensive repairs.  This bike was so heavy that I could not move it by myself!

Tooele Race Track (summer 2002)
This was before the track became the Larry H. Miller Motorsports Park (and much cooler and bigger than appears in the pictures).  Of course this happened just after we moved to Cedar City, which was a bummer because he would have loved to ride the track after the many improvements that were made.  Sadly we didn't make it back before leaving Utah but that doesn't mean we still aren't planning to make it down at some point to give it a try (plus visit the McAllisters, too).  This was one of David's first track days.  He was in the beginner group and it was a good day.

Pulling into the pit area
Getting ready to head out for a session

Slowing down for a corner
Last corner into the straightaway
                             Yep, get that helmet on really tight!                                
Finally alone!

2009 Track Days

Grass Valley, OR (June 2009)

Oregon Raceway Park is out in the middle of what feels exactly like Palouse country.  We really enjoyed the drive to get there and got to see the Duncans on the way.  The track itself was more difficult than David had ridden before; he was participating in a track school where they have riders out on the course with you observing you and giving you pointers.  Most of the pictures below show a control rider with him in a red/orange shirt riding before or after him.  Sometimes they ride in front to show you a specific line or way to ride, and sometimes they will ride behind you to see how you are approaching turns and manuevering your body and the bike, etc. 

Grass Valley marked the first time that I was present for a crash.  From the pit (which is on the top of a hill), you can see most of the course, but there are little parts that disappear here and there due to the rolling hills.  I had just watched David make a curve and then the track disappears.  I didn't think anything of it and the next group was getting ready to go out so I began packing up my camera.  I looked up at that moment to see a red flag being waved and thought "oh, someone's crashed."  I starting watching closer and saw the group of bikes that David had been in and didn't see him there.  Several minutes passed and I knew that he had to have been involved.  I began walking back to our truck so I could put my things down and go talk to the people running the track day.  He came riding up just a little later (with helpers, of course).  The track suit and motorcyle definitely showed signs of him going down on his side and sliding.  David was a little shook up and sore from the whole thing  - he actually felt the effects for several days.  What got him the most was the mental mistakes he knew that he made going into the turn that caused the crash, he agonized and agonized over them.  I was so glad I was there, not only for my peace of mind to see that he was physically okay, but also to support him and encourage him to try again.

It's funny, I didn't freak out nearly as badly as I thought I would.  I have a lot of faith in my husband and his ability to ride, his knowledge of his bike, and his caution in not wanting to crash. He is not a "get out there and go wild immediately" type of rider.    I also know that there are going to be crashes as part of the learning process.  I encouraged him to get back on the bike as soon as it was cleared again for the track that day so that it wouldn't get to him mentally.  It still turned out to be a good day and we were glad we went and we will be going to Grass Valley again!
Looking down the straightaway
Follow the leader
Rounding the last corner towards the
You really have to slow down for this
 Rolling hill after rolling hill...
Lots of good practice going on here

Seattle Raceway Park (September 2009)

David was able to go to two track days at Seattle last year in September, which was a great way to get to know the track.  Once with me during a torrential downpour (the 24th) and once with Gene the next week on a really nice day (the 29th). 

2010 Track Days

We got started a little late this year due to his shoulder and knee injuries from hockey last winter.  David also sold his street bike and bought a new bike, which is the same make/model of motorcycle he has ridden on the track for several years: a Honda RC51.  He was finding it really distracting to ride one bike on the track and then ride a different bike on the streets, because bikes handle differently from one to the other.  He also purchased a new track suit and helmet, which has made him harder to spot on the track because he now blends in easier!

Spokane County Raceway  (September 2010) 

Spokane County Raceway (October 3 2010)

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