Why I'm starting up again...

The me of today

Why start blogging again after twelve years away?  Is it worth my time?  Is it worth the physical effort to sit at the computer outside of work?  These are all valid questions and I've asked myself many times this week what my motivation is for doing it. It's probably social media being what it is these days, to be honest.  It's not a place I feel wholly comfortable in these days - too much anger, unhappiness, and a sincere lack of looking for the good in life and others.  That's not a place where I want to live.  So I check in every so often on Facebook to see how friends and family are doing.  I've also curated my Facebook and Instagram feeds to show uplifting, positive things that fill me with good thoughts.  I've discovered that my emotional capabilities have decreased as the chronic diseases I'm dealing with have multiplied, so I have to save up in my emotional bank and work to help it grow with good, peaceful things.  

I also like the creativity and another way to express myself.  I don't expect many to follow, or even read, and that's okay.  Selfishly, I love reading my old posts.  It helps me remember the good things about the people I love, places I've been, and the lessons I've learned.  I still enjoy keeping a personal journal on DayOne (an iPad app) and will continue to do so.


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The Number Nine

NOTE: this was written in October 2010, but left in my drafts folder until June 2022.  Yikes.


No, I haven't lost my mind and watched the animated apocalyptic movie with puppets that came out this summer (it could be a great movie, but the preview alone gave me the creeps). I am referring to the ninth child in our family, who celebrated his 16 (what?*(!(@%#*) birthday in September. 

May I just insert a little freak-out here:  holy crap, I am getting OLD!!!! 

Back to Nate the Great: the youngest Spencer has reached driving age.  I would like to say that Mom has mellowed with age in regards to teenagers learning how to drive, but I am afraid that would be untrue - right, Mom?  It's like a rite of passage you have to go through in order to be a full-fledged driver, which is driving with Mom hanging on white-knuckled and talking through clenched teeth.  If anything, the root of this anxiety can probably be traced back to me and Mom riding around with me trying to drive a stick shift.  Whoops.  A big apology to all of my brothers and sisters.  Although, hang on -  I am rescinding that apology for most of the older ones for all of the crap they gave me while I was driving them back and forth from church and Mutual Activities.  Now we're even!

Nathan and I have had a great time hanging out this past couple of years since David and I moved back to Spokane.  I love being able to go to his football and basketball games, and track meets to root him on.  I have been trying to work on my camera skills so that I can get better at taking motion pictures of him in action and have been getting better at it this year.  In his football game last week, he was playing quarterback and moved the ball downfield enough to run it in for a touchdown on a quarterback sneak.  Awesome!  My only regret is that I didn't have enough battery in the camera, so I wasn't videotaping it!

It has been fun to discover common interests between the two of us - we share a great love of Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and the Inheritance Trilogy.  Nate and I love to get in good discussions about the Potter movies versus the books.  I am trying to get him to read The Hobbit.


And here we fast forward to 2022.  I really love these memories, so I'm going to post it anyways.  And just for comparison's sake:  Nathan is now married to lovely Lauren, pursuing his education as a physical therapist, and has three little girls (Charlie, Brooke, and Blake).  He is still one of the best people I know and I look up to him so much.  That might sound weird to some, since we're around 22 years apart, but he really is such an awesome all-around person and he's still Nate the Great in all ways.  I've always loved to talk about the gospel with Nate - he loves the Lord and it's very evident in the way he treats all of his girls, his family, and those around him.  He is also the one of the most fun people I know and I will never tire of playing games with him.  (The not-a-word "Retva" from a memorable Boggle game will always be a favorite memory with him. LOL)

Nathan & Mom (at Mary & Kraig's reception - August 2020)

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The Birthday Bunny Hop

POSTED: June 20, 2022, a mere 12 years after actually writing this.  Now THAT'S a belated birthday wish!

Now that the self-recrimination is done and over with for the lateness of my post, let's talk about Leslie Love.

Leslie joined me at Ricks during my last year there, which I had really looked forward to and ended up being a huge blessing due to some of the things I was going through that year with my courseload and roommates.  Here's a piece of trivia:  she lived in Dorm 3 also, on the same floor as I did during my two years there.  Dorm 3 rocks!  (I can't remember if Rachael lived in Dorm 3 or not.  I'll have to ask her sometime.)  It was awesome to go to plays, concerts, and dances with her.  She's someone I can be myself with, and that year there weren't many people that I felt I could be that way with. 

Dad and Mom had moved the family down to Colfax while we were at school, so when Christmas rolled around we hitched a ride home with a couple of siblings from Tekoa.  They were bringing some additional things home in a small hatchback type car, so there was not a lot of room.  Leslie and I were crammed in the back seat together for a 10-12 hour ride, but funnily enough I don't remember minding all that much.  It was nice to be able to snuggle next to your sister (she's not called a snuggle "bunny" for nothing) and sleep or talk.  I have really fond memories of that ride out of all the long rides to and from Rexburg over the years.

One of the funnest things about Leslie is her sense of humor.  She is one of the smartest, wittiest people I know.  Yet most people miss this about her because she is not one to be the center of attention.  Plus, get her tired and start her laughing and then the fun really starts.  I mean it!  I really enjoy playing games with her, too.  Leslie is competitive but also has a great sense of give and take.  She isn't vindictive or pouty when she doesn't win, but a good sport with good humor. 

I love my sister's strong, quiet, firm convictions about who she is and what she stands for.  It is evident in the choices she makes and the way she lives her life.  Leslie is one of the most dependable people in this world - if she says she will do it, or be there at a certain time, it will happen.  I love that about her.  And she is always willing to help or be involved in any way, even with so many things on her plate with five children and a husband to support.  She's amazing... she's our Leslie Love.

Leslie, Mary, & Steven (August 2020)

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The Family Reunion Recap

Well, it's only a month late.  Which is pretty much on time by my standards lately!  But I definitely learned some things about my family and myself at this year's reunion:
  • When there is someone missing at any/all times during the reunion - Gene, Jacob, Mary, Dad, Steven, Michael - it doesn't feel quite right or as fun as it could be.
  • I like sleeping.  I like sleeping without doors slamming in the middle of the night.
  • Sage likes chipmunks and will obsess about chasing them for hours on end, even if she is leashed and unable to budge an inch.
  • Noah is going to be a lifelong fan of Rice Krispie treats - if you don't believe me, just look at the pictures of his first time with one.
  • I should have timed how long it took before a pinochle game started, because it seems to happen quicker and quicker.  Pinochle should be renamed the "official game of the Spencer family". 
  • We've got to remember that we have an effective weapon with Rebekah, Emma, and Olivia's screams for pesky neighbors or what have you....  Just start a game of tag between the kids (add in an uncle or two for extra potency) and everything else takes care of itself!
  • Bringing a disposable camera for each of the kids was one of Dad & Mom's best ideas EVER!  I can't wait to see the results.
  • Mary, Rebekah, Olivia, Emma, and Rachael spent an afternoon making bead necklaces and bracelets for everyone.  My 'A' necklace came to me courtesy of Olivia and I love it!
  • Putting up tents will never be listed among my many talents or skills.  I'm okay with that.
  • Defense was never an issue for our campsite with all of the foam swords and sword practice going on. 
  • Camping + reunion = high likelihood of braids in Amy's hair
  • Escaping the reunion without one mosquito bite is one of my major accomplishments this year!  Granted, I pretty much dosed myself in bug repellant, so...
  • Elias, Ben, and Isaac spent many happy hours trying to figure out how to get into the shed across from our campsite because there were "Indians trapped inside", according to Elias.  He actually tried to get me to unlock the shed, thinking I had a key.  There is a reason we call them the "Triple Threat"...
  • We need to have a sign made up that says something like: "Warning: Spencer Family in the Vicinity.  Drive at your own risk."  But then the idiots who ignore speed limits through campgrounds with children playing wouldn't get it anyway.
  • I love watching my nieces and nephews play with one another, regardless of the age or activity.  It's probably why most of my photos are of them playing together this year!
  • I miss having a campfire in the mornings and evenings with all of the fire restrictions. 
  • Mom should have been a lifeguard with the way she watched over her grandkids - wait, she was for most of our childhood years while we played at Sanders Beach each summer (where there were no lifeguards).  My apologies, Mom.  In my eyes you have earned your lifeguard status and then some!
  • Even if I am bone weary tired by the end, no vacation will ever measure up to the level of fun I have when we are all together!

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Mini-Me turns one year old!

So Noah is turning one year old today, true evidence of how quickly the past year has flown by!  Nadine would probably agree to a point, since she has spent much of it sleep-deprived while battling with his reflux and milk-allergy issues (bless her heart). 

A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E. (May 2010)

He has changed so much physically since feeling better - he's gone from being all arms and legs to now having some chub and muscle on on them.  "NoNo" has to have a way to keep up with Elias somehow!  Noah's true personality has also come to the forefront with the reduction of health issues - he is Mr. Smiley and loves to squeal and laugh. 

Baby Noah with Grandma Lois at his shower (September 2009)

Being the youngest in his family and the grand kids offers plenty of opportunities for observation, which Noah will do with squinted eyes and and furrowed brow.  I haven't seen him do the open mouth/tongue out look for awhile, sadly.  That one was classic Noah! 

Noah, Elias, & Landon playing on the slides at Manito Park (April 2010)

Noah has just started to walk within the past few weeks.  Currently his preferred mode of getting around is crawling because his lightning fast speed allows him to strike very quickly and efficiently when his big brother is playing with something interesting.  Which happens a lot.

Best buds already & ready to join the Triple Threat! (February 2010)

The two nicknames that have stuck with Noah in this first year are Mini-Me and NoNo.  Mini-Me because he is almost a miniature version of Michael, except for those beautiful blue eyes of his mom's.  NoNo because Nadine was trying to find a nickname that went with his name; at first she tried "Noey" but then realized that Mom has called me Noey for many years and didn't want to have a duplicate.  (I was never bothered at the thought of sharing a nickname...)

Hanging out at Uncle Nate's track meet (May 2010)

Happy birthday, Noah Donald!

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Who is the "Chief" Here Anyway?

Nathan and I have been working together on a Drafting merit badge for Scouts over the past few months, which has been very fun.  I have enjoyed talking about something that interests me with my little brother and I think he liked getting to see a little bit of what I know how to do.  Anyways, for him to complete the merit badge, he measured out his bedroom, its furnishings, and drew up a plan to scale on graph paper.  While he and Pa were up at our house this weekend, he put the plan into CAD software (Chief Architect) to finish the requirements for the merit badge. 

We were almost finished with the room when I mentioned that we could add more details like his television, lamp, curtains, video game console, etc. if he wanted to.  Nate was having a good time and he had picked up using the software very quickly.  As he scrolled through the TV catalog in Chief Architect, the wall-mounted flat screen TVs appeared and his eyes grew very wide.  It was pretty obvious what was going to happen next, and I thought "what the heck - he's learning and enjoying himself - just go with the flow, Amy".

Yep, go with the flow indeed.  After giggling like children on a sugar-induced high for several minutes  and giving each other high fives, Nathan's bedroom ended up with a few improvements.  I even saw flashes of his HGTV education that Lydia and Pa have been instrumental in  due to his desire to change the colors of the finishes and fabrics to Pullman Greyhound blue and gray with complements of white and black.  (His explanation!)

I am so happy we got it done for him.  And I always love doing anything CAD or design related.  But I have to admit I enjoyed the time spent together with my awesome 15 year old brother the best of all!

Rockin' Rachael

Funny story: the title of this post made me want to start singing 'Rockin' Robin' while I was posting.  Blame it on my YW leaders, who had us learn the song for a skit at Girls Camp one year.  How appropriate that Rachael is YW President in her ward and was just at Girls Camp last week!  (Cue music from the Twilight Zone or something equally creepy, 'cause I know I'm weirded out now...)

So very cute, this sister! (March 2009)

Rachael has always had a knack for coming up with cool phrases that she uses to express herself.  When she was in college at BYU-Idaho, one of my favorites was "For the love!" when she was exasperated or impatient.  Currently, she uses "You rock!" a lot and I love this about her because she means it when she says it.  In this day and age where sarcasm and satire abound, it is refreshing to hear Rachael tell someone meaningfully and in a fun way that they are doing a great job or are wonderful in her own original way.  I love that about her!  Rachael, you rock!

Playing at the park with Olivia in Las Vegas (April 2005)

One of my favorite things about living in Salt Lake was my visits from Rachael when she was at college.  She always brought an of vitality with her and lots of laughter - as she always does anytime she steps in the room.  Rachie was not born to sit home (although she does like her sleep), she likes to be out doing things and meeting people.  I am consistently blown away by her talents in organization and multitasking.  I really think she could have her own HGTV show on helping people declutter and organize their lives and homes;  she would be so different in many of the tv hosts out there because of her genuine compassion and desire to help people.

Olivia, Rachael, & Michael get excited for some ice cream (June 2009)

When we moved to Cedar City, it was so nice to have Rachael and her family a few short hours away in Las Vegas.  It didn't really matter if we were playing games, watching movies, or walking up and down the Strip seeing the sights - it was just so much fun to be together, enjoying each other's company.  Although I think all of us (Milnes and Duncans) are in agreement that none of us ever want to live in Las Vegas, either as a first for us or again for them!  Too many crazy drivers and way too much heat!  But it was sure nice to have each other to hang out with while we both were down there.

Beautiful sisters Mandy, Rachael, & Nadine (March 2010)

There are so many things that I admire about this incredible woman that I am lucky to call my sister.  I think she is an awesome mother, giving guidance and setting rules with so much love.  Her life is focused around living the gospel each day and it shows in how she treats everyone around her, how she approaches the struggles that life hands her, and in the priorities that she sets each day.  I adore my Rachael Lee Lou Lynn  - she rocks!

Rachael & Lydia sharing a little love (November 2008)

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