Beautiful Bekah

Eight years and being baptized this month - oh how the years fly by!

Jacob's Court of Honor August 2006

I can't find a single picture among the very many that I have of Rebekah that could be considered unflattering in any sense. If I'm being melodramatic, well, it is my blog and besides it's true. So there. But besides being beautiful on the outside, Rebekah is wonderful on the inside, too. She has inherited the "snuggle bunny" gene from her mother and is always gives plenty of affection to everyone she sees, her hugs in particular are so genuine and sweet! There is definitely a mischievous side to Bekah also.  At one of our family reunions I was trying to coax a smile out of Isaiah while he was sitting on the grass.  Unbeknownest to him, Bekah snuck up right behind him to get in the picture.  He couldn't figure out why I was laughing so hard for awhile, but once he did the chase was on!

Bekah and Mikey - sometime in 2005?

I love the picture above of Rebekah and Michael. This was in the days when Olivia was still a toddler, of course. She and Bekah are now usually joined at the hip whenever the family gets together, while Michael is off with the boys.
An masterpiece in the making at the Mobius Kids Museum (August 2009)

One of my favorite memories of Rebekah recently was going to the grocery store in my car with Mary, Rebekah, and Emma in the car. The girls are well aware of the Twilight series, as Leslie is every bit the avid fan I am. They had been listening to the recently released New Moon movie soundtrack at home and had asked me to put in the soundtrack in the car. I did so and this led to a discussion of my car's name: Alice, after one of the characters in the Twilight series. They were tickled to hear that Lydia recently named David's truck Jasper (Alice's vampire mate), which led to several minutes of noisy giggles. Then Rebekah piped up and said "we should name our car!" This led to suggestions of Soka, from Avatar, also leading to several more minutes of laughing, and then the kicker of a suggestion from Mary: "How about Edward?" Gotta love those girls! Not sure if they actually "named" the car yet or not, but Leslie got a kick out of hearing about it, too.

Olivia, Grandma Lois, and Rebekah (October 2007)

Happy Birthday, Bekah Lynnie!

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