You're My Obsession

I am sure that I just heard a gasp from all female members of my family at the idea that I may have moved on from my Twilight addiction and recovered from OCD (Obsessive Cullen Disorder).  Ha, that train is never leaving the station!  No, I am just discovering how much fun it is to have a place to organize my thoughts.  Potentially scary thought (my thoughts actually being organized) because ever since I went on the Topomax for my headaches last year, life has seemed like a constant weather pattern of foggy forecasts.  Some days I'm completely "fogged in" and can't think to save my life, while other days are only partly foggy.  And then there are the really good days when the sunshine breaks through and I feel completely like my "old" self, less the headaches.  I'm not altogther sure that it is 100% the medication either, as the APS and thyroid issues I have can also contribute to it as well. 

Anyways, I am beginning to see how much fun a blog can be, particularly since I have moved away from scrapbooking.  I would like a way to remember things without having to ask my husband every time, although I am very grateful that he has such a good memory to counteract my lack of one!  Just doing my birthday posts has brought back memories that I hadn't thought of in years.  And I love that I can use the computer to do so and share it with others.  Now the only problem is going to be finding the time in which to implement all of my great ideas, what a truly terrible problem to have, huh?

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