She's the Pearl

Oh, I can see already that February/March is going to be a toughie each year for birthday posting, although I already know this about birthday present shopping. This will be good practice for September/October, because there are about as many birthdays during that stretch as these two months. On to Mandy Moo!

Pearl has the touch when it comes to the babies! (Mandy, Emma, & Mary, not sure on the date)

Mandy has always been "Pearl" or "Pearl Girl" in our family. And the nickname really fits because she is truly a gem. Mandy was the first sibling I really remember as a baby, even though I have always mothered and bossed them all (and they will all emphatically tell you so). The thing that many people miss about Mandy is that even though she isn't always the focus of attention - hello, she was born between Rachael and Lydia - Mandy definitely knows what is going on in any given situation. The girl is sharp! I think sometimes people mistake the reserve for shyness. Big mistake, especially if they happen to say something she doesn't agree with. Pearl doesn't hold back, as a general rule. And she is pretty fierce and protective when it comes to her family, as am I. No wonder we get along so well!
Mandy & Amy at the 2006 Reunion
One of my favorite memories of Mandy was her coming to visit me when I lived in Provo, Utah in the mid 90s for a week. I prepared a travel intinerary of things to do and places to visit and sent it to her in advance: Temple Square, Seven Peaks Water Park, Manti Temple Pageant, Bridal Veil Falls, and a visit to Evergreen Cemetary in Springfield where many of our Grant ancestors are buried, including our Rowland and Grant great-grandparents. (I know we went more places but these are the things that stick in my mind.) It was so much fun to hang out together (David was included in many of the activities as well when he wasn't working, too), play games, and talk. We got a few looks as we sat at the gate at the airport while waiting for her plane and played SkipBo on the floor to pass the time.

Two peas in a pod: Mandy and Landon (late 2009)
One of the best things about being the oldest sibling is watching your siblings grow and being so incredibly proud of them and the people they are. And it's not that I necessarily had anything to do with it, only that I adore each of them so much that I only want the best for them. Mandy has risen (and then some) to the challenge of being a single parent so well. I love watching her with Landon, the immense love she has for him shines through on the good days as well as the days of struggle. That defines a being a good parent for me. Her funny, silly sayings and names for him are priceless. Anyone - family or not - saying "Elmo's Hungry!" puts me into convulsions of laughter because it makes me think of her saying that to Landon every time. And that's only scratching the surface!

Beautiful sisters - Nug, Lyd, and Pearl - Mother's Day 2008

A few things Mandy and I share:

  • Curls, curls, and more curls!

  • An insane love for all things Gilmore Girls (anyone ready to sing some Carole King... "if you're out on the road, feeling lonely and so cold, all ya gotta do is call my name...")

  • A deep Spencer "tenor" singing voice (along with several of the other Spencer girls) - you haven't heard Christmas carols until you have heard us sing, although the performances generally take place in a kitchen while doing dishes or getting a meal ready...

  • A love for the Twilight series, the Hunger Games series and the Host

  • A passion for organizing and order!

Where you find Mandy, Lydia is usually not far behind... the Barbies at the 2007 Reunion

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