Gouda - And I'm Not Referring to the Cheese

Goodness knows I have probably not spelled it right.  Hopefully I haven't.  Because it has been great fun to tease Mandy about her current nickname for Landon these past few months.  Gunta, Goota, Guda - the possibilities are endless!  Just try it and see her nose scrunch.  If you're really lucky you'll get a quick retort and a scowl at the same time!  (Yes, she does know that I am teasing or I would probably not still be in one piece.)
Relaxing in mom's arms, Halloween 2009

It really is amazing that Landon is turning one year old already.  It seems like just yesterday that we got the call late on the 13th that Mandy was going to the hospital.  I am still sad that I was feeling so crappy at the time that I couldn't make the drive down by myself that night to support her as she gave birth, but as always Dad and Mom came through with flying colors and Lydia and Nadine drove down to see her that night as well.  David and I did drive down the following afternoon (Lowes was kind enough to let me leave early that day) to meet LG.
Having a good ol' time at our house on New Year's Eve 2009

Landon is quite the boy.  It's quite funny to hear Dad talk about him because he is very convinced at times that he is a genius or one of the smartest children on earth.  He very well could be, it's just very endearing to me to hear Dad talk about him like that.  They have such a special relationship and although I know that being a daily caretaker presents special challenges to Dad because of his health, I know that he and Landon are great blessings to each other. 

Just recently, I called down to visit with the Mom about something and was informed Landon could say his name.  I laughed, thinking Mom was trying to pull a fast one on me.  (Not her usual style, but I was sure way back when she called me at Ricks with the news of her surprise pregnancy - Nathan - that it was a very convienent April Fools joke for about five minutes until she convinced me she really was pregnant!)  And then she held the phone up to his mouth and he clearly said "Landon"!  Hmmm, maybe Dad is on to something with this genius thing...

Couch Cuties: Emma and Landon (2009)
Personality-wise, I get the biggest kick out of seeing some of Mandy's personality traits in Landon.  Specifically, he has the "Mandy stare"down pat.  It's the same thing she used to do as a baby and it is so amusing to watch adults squirm under that very direct, unswerving gaze of his.  He's got a good streak of stubbornness in him, too.  Similar to his mom, if it's not something he wants, he just "digs in his heels" and refuses.  And that's it, end of story.  He enjoys interacting with everyone in the family - he adores Dad, Mom, Nathan, and of course his mom because he sees them each day.  Lydia is always entertaining with him, and I wonder if she reminds him of his mom at times, too.  I personally think he loves coming to my house because of the ceiling fans and my dog. (Ceiling fans were Elias' favorite thing about my house for awhile, too.) What can I say, gotta keep working towards favorite aunt status.  I have some very stiff competition! :)

Grandpa and his littlest "buddy" (early summer 2009)

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