The Giggler aka Isaiah

What a smile! (and what are you hiding in your hands, hmmm?)
Isaiah is a bit of an enigma to me at times. I think this is because we lived out of state for so many years until recently. But since we moved to Spokane, I have had the chance to interact with him more and I am enjoying to getting to know him better.
He is a very genuine person and such a good boy. One of the most endearing things about Isaiah is his giggle-laugh. I don't care what mood you are in, it is infectious! I love to hear him busting a laugh - usually when he is being tickled or wrestled by his grandfather or one of his uncles - it goes on and on and usually ends with several people laughing and more smiling.

One of those times when his giggle got everyone laughing, thanks to Grandpa...
When the Wilsons visited us in Cedar City several years ago, I pulled out my scrapbooks. I hadn't updated them since 2003 and so there was much missing that needed to be updated. However, the kids enjoyed looking through them and talking about the pictures and events. To my dismay, Isaiah pointed out that I didn't have a page with just pictures of him but that everyone else did. I felt awful and like the world's worst aunt. I hope he has forgotten about that and in my defense, I didn't have several of the younger ones in there but the look on his face was one I will never forget.
I learned a really important lesson that day and I remember it in almost every interaction with my nieces and nephews. I always try to treat each of them with so much love and respect, no matter the situation (and that's not always easy if I'm tired or not feeling well). I'm not always perfect but I know it has helped me become a better person overall. I don't want any one of them to feel less important to me than one of the others, ever.
Mary & Isaiah at the 2008 Family Reunion
One of the things I have learned about Isaiah since we moved back to Washington is his love for sports. It is one thing that I can always talk to him about. And there are no shortage of opinions on sports in the Spencer family, that's for sure! I am definitely looking forward to continuing to get to know Isaiah better this year...
Grandma Lois and Isaiah (2007)

The five words I would use to describe Isaiah are: methodical, cheerful, athletic, obedient, and intense.

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