Big Ben

So, Ben is the first recipient of the birthday thoughts post. Lucky him!

could I be any more adorable?
(p.s. the answer is no)

Ben has grown up so much in the past year! He has begun to interact with everyone much more as he has neared his 3rd birthday. Since Christmas, he has come up to me several times and used full sentences to ask a question and we even put a puzzle together once. Trust me, his aunt is eating it up! :)

just my cuz Elias and me hangin' out at the family reunion

At the birthday party for Dad in January, Ben, Elias and I played some put-put with Elias' plastic golf set. Great fun, although the boys lost interest in putting in favor of hockey-style golf fairly quickly. But hey, at least I got my hole-in-one in first.
one of my favorite pictures ever: baby Ben & Leslie (2007)

Although Ben has been very much a "Momma's Boy" in his interactions with the extended family, we are beginning to see all of the personality lying beneath! He used to be so shy and bashful when dealing with all of us so it is fun to see him beginning to feel comfortable around everyone... I know there is a mischevious personality to go along with those dimples, I have seen glimpses of it! But don't get me wrong, he is above all such a good boy. I really enjoy watching him interact with his siblings (particularly Emma) and the younger kids.

classic Ben!
Like his brother, Ben has the cutest giggle when he gets going. And a dimple (or two?) to boot! He may be small in build, but he makes up for it in all the ways that count, that's why he's BIG BEN!

If I were to pick 5 words to describe Ben, they would be: reserved, bright, focused, alert, happy.

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Leslie said...


I love these pictures! What a great idea for blog entries. I would love to have copies of them... perhaps a cd? Especially the black and white one, that is my favorite.

Love Ya!

Amos said...

I would be happy to give you a CD, I need to give you one of the last couple of years anyway. :) And if you want prints of any size up to 8x10, I can do those for you too. Just say the word!

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