My Birthday Thoughts

Ha! Made you think, huh? Because you all know my birthday is in December, so you're wondering how on earth could I be thinking of my birthday already?! Actually, it's in regards to the birthdays of everyone in my family and in-laws. I am going to celebrate their birthday on my blog by posting about each individual during the month of their birthday. This serves several purposes:

  1. A great opportunity for documenting funny and potentially embarrassing memories for posterity (great family reunion fodder!)
  2. Provides a way to supplement my worsening long and short term memory, because who knows what I'll remember next month, let alone next year!
  3. In all seriousness, it gives me the means to celebrate why I love each person in my family so much!
Since it's February this means that I will be starting with Ben, Isaiah, and Mandy. This is going to be so much fun!

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