An Old Dog Learning New Tricks

I can see why this post might appear at first glance to be about Sage.  Actually, the "old dog" is me and the "new tricks" are the things I learned from letting my nieces take the digital camera last weekend while everyone was gathered over at the Wilsons.  Alright, I know that I have opened up the gates wide open with the "old" thing and if Gene is anywhere near this blog he is going to have a heyday - no, make that a heyyear, if there is such a thing - with me saying this.  (Bring it on, Gene!  Although I think Leslie put you at the front of the kids now as of last weekend, so maybe I don't have anything to worry about...)

First, look at things from a different perspective.  Mary, Rebekah, and Emma were not afraid to ZOOM in (and I use caps because as shown below, it was a zoom and then some).  But I loved how the shots were cropped as a result.  I tend to try and crop afterwards, but they were able to just focus on the expression as a result.  Lovely!  Also, get down to look up at the person you are shooting or get really high to look down. 

Second, don't be afraid to mix it up.  Some of the shots were so candid because they had the camera and not me.  I would like to do this more often because it captures more of the personalities and flavor of the gatherings.  Who always wants to see things from my perspective?  Boring!  I should have figured this out already from just seeing the different ways that Nadine and I approach taking pictures.

I don't know that any of these pictures would win awards, but they each tell a specific story.  And that's what I like about them and what I strive to do when taking pictures.  Kudos to Mary, Rebekah, and Emma for some fantastic digital photography.  I will definitely be asking for more of their help and seeing if more members of the family would like to be involved in helping with pictures in the future. 

I didn't include any in this post but the girls took some awesome pictures of the Triple Threat/Terrors that day.  That is going to have to be a post of its own because otherwise how could I do them justice?
Actually, this one below might be my favorite of the whole bunch.  And I changed it to black and white in Photoshop.  I don't even know how to do that in my camera on the spot!

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