It's Good To Be #1...

Mary and I share something pretty special in common:  we are both the first grandchild and the oldest child in our families.  As Mary has discovered and continues to discover, this comes with plenty of perks but also its share of heavy responsibility.  However, she is definitely up to the challenge and then some. 

Sitting in Grandma's garden  - September 2007
I love that Steven and Leslie named her after Grandma Grant, Mary Louise.  I love that Mary wants to be included in the "big girl" things her mother, aunts, and grandmother do.  I love that if your actions do not follow after your words or commitments, she calls you out on it.  Not in an overly aggressive way, she's just pointing it out to you.  I love that she is the mother hen to her siblings, just as I was. (Or am? Old habits die hard.)  I love her giggle.  I love that she puts up with her crazy photo-hungry-camera-happy aunt always trying to take pictures, even when it's not her favorite thing in the world at all.  I love that she wants to talk to me and seeks me out to do so, even if it does get to be a bit much at times.  (I hope this tendency keeps going through her teenage years, too!)

A candid Christmas 2008 moment (Mary, Ben, Olivia, & Rebekah)

Mary has really impressed me with her dedication and passion about music.  She genuinely cares and has a great desire to learn piano and the viola.  One of my goals for the summer is to begin giving her piano lessons; I know she will do well at them if she puts the amount of effort that she has put into continuing to learn the viola.

An impromptu concert - December 2009

The Twilight-madness has also bitten Mary.  She has read all four books and has seen the first two movies with her mom, aunts, and grandmother.  It's fun to have a common interest that we can talk about and discuss together.  I absolutely cannot believe that she is old enough to be in Young Women's now.  Crazy! 

I know that I am going to begin souding like a broken record, but Mary is such a good girl. Let me state for the record that each of my nieces and nephews are just awesome people whom I would probably adore anyway, but I also have tremendous respect for each of their parents and how they have raised them thus far.   Combine the two and BAM!  You've got some good kids with Mary at the head of them all because don't forget, she's #1.

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