It's a Dog's Life...

I can't imagine life now without Sage. It's been two and a half years since we adopted her and yet she feels like she's always been around. I know she's helped me to become more aware of myself and my mood, simply because you have to know what type of energy you are putting off when you want any dog to behave a certain way. Thank heavens for the Dog Whisperer!

...when toys attack!
Sage has finally learned how to stay when someone comes to the front door, with one notable exception: family. The visiting teachers, UPS guy, neighbors are no problem for her. But if she hears any family member, let alone sees them, forget it! It's hard to get too irritated with her, because I get really excited to see them, too. And there we come full circle back to the energy issue again!

We have also been working with her on trying to get her to slow down when eating because she can finish her food in under 10 seconds flat, no joke! Many times when I come home she will follow me into the bedroom while I change and talk to David. The whole time she will pace back and forth to the door; anytime she stops her body and head are positioned towards the kitchen. Anytime we act like we're going out, she will be right at the forefront leading us like we need help remembering where we need to go - the kitchen!

always ready to play in the water, unless it's bathtime

She loves to play, but only on her terms. If she isn't in the mood to play or think there's a possibility of food you will get this blank look followed by several blinks. Something like: "Sorry, did you say something? 'Cause you didn't say 'walk' or 'food' so remind me why I would be listening?", all with a very innocent look on her face.

are we there yet?

Sage is definitely David's buddy. She adores him and he adores her. I am so glad he has company while I am at work. He is very patient with her (more so than me much of the time), although he is a bit of a softie as well when it comes to giving her treats (he and my Mom are cut from the same cloth). She is a great dog, we have been so lucky. Hopefully our next one will fit in just as well!

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Leslie said...

Awww... love the last picture!. I am loving reading your blog. Keep it up!

Love ya,

Rachael said...

SAGER! I love that dog:) Your blog looks great!

Amos said...

It's getting there, I am still wor king on adding more gadgets (I think that's what they are called) and stuff...

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