Well it hasn't been two years yet...

Already I am doing better at keeping up with posting. Yeah, me!

Last night I went to Nate's basketball game with Leslie, Mary, Isaiah, and Lydia. We met up with Dad, Mom, Mandy and Landon and had a good time rooting Nathan on as the Greyhounds beat the Cheney team for a convincing win. Nate had several steals, baskets, and dealt very well with a player that Leslie and I nicknamed "Slappy" (take a wild guess why). I am pretty sure that the Cheney crowd really enjoyed the loud screaming and cheers of "Yeah, Nate!" coming from our section, not to mention Dad! It is always fun to go watch basketball and catch up with everyone, and Nate always leaves it all on the floor when he plays. I did have a "big sister" moment when Nathan took a really hard check on a screen. (big sister moment = wanting to pound on anyone who hurts one of my siblings.) However, I settled for a severe glare across the floor to the player. (If he only knew how lucky he was...)

On a completely different note, I am bothered by the lack of honesty I find at times in my fellow salespeople. I don't believe in telling a customer something just to make a sale, or to get them out of my face. I will either try to find the answer, if it's an area I know anything about, or find them someone who will know. To me, being honest is about having integrity and being treated the way I would want to be treated if I were the one asking the question. At the very least, have enough respect for me not to waste my time or give me false information purposely. Okay, time to get off my soapbox now....

Whew! My next post should be a little lighter since I got all this off my chest tonight. :)


Rachael said...

A little venting always helps:) Nate's game sounds great! I always loved going and listening to our family yell, good times!

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