About time...

After a long hibernation, I am finally feeling like I am waking up! The urge to be creative is awakening again. I joined Facebook several weeks ago (very addicting) and am now honing my sights in on my blog.

In beginning to look for pictures of David and I to post, I made a sudden realization: I do not have enough pictures of David. Let me clarify that: I do not have enough pictures of David actually smiling and looking at the camera. He has developed what I would clinically term "Spencerphotophobiaitis". I thought this occured in Spencer males only, generally showing up in the teenage years (Dad, Gene, Jacob all have it and now Nathan is showing symptoms) but apparently it is contagious! I need to think up some reward: maybe if I allow his motorcycles to be in every picture, that will do the trick!

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Leslie said...


Love it! About the pictures, tremendously funny and true, too. On a side note, I am so glad you are starting this up again.

Love ya,

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