
Okay, the title definitely refers to me and me alone because I haven't written anything yet. Until now. But don't expect heart-stopping action or witty words from this blog, although hopefully I come up with a good thought-provoking zinger now and then... I have so many thoughts randomly throughout the day that would seem to make a good topic, but now that I am actually sitting in front of the computer - blank. Huh.

Well, there's always the house and its various states of disorganization. Driving me crazy, actually. I love to decorate, organize, and space plan but in my own house I don't have any patience with the process, I just want it done.

Moving on from the whining: I love Spokane weather! The gentle breeze has yet to become a full-force gale like it does about twice a week in Cedar City. Big fluffy clouds don't mean big thunderstorms either. As Gene or Jacob would say: "Pretty much the best weather ever!"

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Leslie said...

c'mon Slacker! I know that there are things that you could write about...for instance your puppy, how everyone wants to hire you...etc., etc.

Love ya!

Helga Van Helsen said...

well well well if it isnt amos the fearless manorite:) the only way you could ever be a slacker is if you didnt stop by the manor! or maybe you were too busy swatting nats and you missed going there, disappointing.. ho hum anywho, it was fun cheering on snuggle bear with you yesterday!
Love Lovies!

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