These Are the Sweetest Things

Grandma Lois sent me a letter not too long ago thanking me for some pictures I had sent her of the family.  In her letter she included a letter that Mom had written her postmarked November 27, 1973 from California because she thought I would enjoy the mentions of baby Amy.  It is a classic "Mom" letter.  Having received many of them throughout my life, I can say with certainty that there are few things that warm my heart as much as a letter from the sweetest mother to ever walk the earth. Over the years, she hasn't lost her touch for sharing the simple things of day to day life that make you feel you are right there in the mix of things.  When I was at college, I yearned for these details to help me combat the fierceness of homesickness.  Of course, they seemed to be a double-edged sword because many times I just ended up missing her and everyone else that much more!

Here is the letter in its entirety:

Dear Mom,
A time to relax!  We just had Thanksgiving Dinner, dishes done and baby changed.  I'm ready to sit down.  Was the day of firsts for us besides being our 1st Thanksgiving, it was the 1st time I'd ever cooked pie (pumpkin), turkey & dressing.  Randy said it was pretty good - didn't cook the turkey enough though.

We enjoyed your letter - I'll bet you had a good dinner at Grandma Nyra's.

Amy is so busy lately - into drawers, cupboards, inspecting shoes, curious about everything.  The other day she got into the cupboard, pulled out an old loaf of bread, opened it & tasted every piece.  Besides "mama", "dada" she says "baba" plus a variety of others.

She is having a nap, now.  Yesterday we walked to the Bank about a mile round trip & both had red, rosy cheeks from the cold air - she has had a cold - but I think it's gone now.

Randy acts like he feels better after his bout with stomach flu - he's got a 4-day weekend.  Tomorrow I got my California driver's license - have to take a driving test.

Made the red, white & black material up - it's so soft & makes such a nice lounging dress - having a problem hemming it though because of my stomach - it is much bigger than last time at this time - Randy can't believe it - he wasn't around when I was this big - protruding "basketball" as he calls it - the baby is very active.

Amy ate everything at Thanksgiving dinner - she prefers food with texture, different flavors, etc. although sometimes she enjoys baby food.

She loves to watch Randy shave - she sits by the sink - he puts cream on her cheeks then when he's done wipes it off - she sits and talks while looking in the mirror - he was getting ready for Priesthood , brought her in & said "she's all shaved".

I'll close to get this in the mail -

Love, Mara Lee

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